Collections Made
Walking is a great way to keep fit and raise money but for some can be hard work. Collecting sponsorship
money doesn’t need to be. BOPP is pleased to be supporting the Big PTA Walk by providing a simple way
to collect money using internet banking.

To find out how it works click below to create a link and QR code to collect money directly into your bank.
Big PTA WalkWalk On TogetherCheckout who is walking to support their local PTA.
Cashless Collections
Get paid Direct
Collect With QR Codes

Everybody can collect, no devices required to receive money

Collect With Paylinks

Links can be sent via email, text and messaging. Simply click to initiate payments

Payments Direct To Your Account

With internet banking payments go direct from the sponsor to your collection account.

Set Up In Minutes

Setting up BOPP is an easy one time configuration.

Collect Gift Aid Information

Gift Aid collection made quick and easy

Track Performance

An easy-to-use Dashboard allows you to create and monitor payment requests performance.